Dr Abu-Serieh


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Dr Abu Serieh

Dr Abu-Serieh,

Dr Abu-Serieh is a neurosurgeon practicing in several hospitals in Brussels and also consults in Bastogne.
His three main specialties are adult spinal surgery, adult cranial surgery and peripheral nerve pathologies.
consultations locations
Dr Abu Serieh


Dr. Abu-Serieh graduated in medicine in 1999.

He trained in neurosurgery with Dr. Raftopoulos at UCL for 6 years, where he improved and expanded his knowledge in neurosurgery. He completed his clinical training at ULB, UCL and the University of Liège for 2 years with Professor Jacque Born.

His training in spinal surgery was followed at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon with Professor Gilles Perrin and Cédric Barrey.

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He served as Clinic Assistant Chief at Saint Peter’s Hospital in Brussels from 2014 to 2017.

Dr. Abu-Serieh is currently Clinic Assistant Chief and attached to the Orthopedic Department at Iris Sud Hospitals and has been in charge of the Rachis Clinic at Iris Sud Hospitals in Brussels since 2017.

He was a Consultant Neurosurgeon in the Neurosurgery Unit at Saint Peter’s University Hospital in Brussels between 2020 and 2022.

Dr. Abu-Serieh is an active member of the North American Spine Society (NASS) and Euro Spine (European Spine Society), demonstrating his commitment and internationally recognized expertise in the field of spine. He is also a member of the Belgian Society of Neurosurgery and has represented Belgium at several national and international congresses.

Dr. Abu-Serieh is fluent in French, English, Romanian, Arabic and has some knowledge of Dutch.

Dr. Abu-Serieh is certified and his fees are semi-refunded.



Dr. Abu-Serieh practices neurosurgery with a specialization in three areas: spinal surgery, cranial surgery and peripheral nerve pathologies.

Adult Spinal Surgery

It includes the cervical spine, the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine.

Degenerative pathologies (herniated discs, stenosis, etc.)

Trauma (fractures, dislocations, etc.)

Tumoral pathologies (metastasis, tumour, etc.)

Adult Cranial Surgery

These are disorders of the cervical spine, the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine.

Degenerative pathologies (malformation, etc.)

Traumatic pathologies (head trauma)

Tumor pathologies (brain tumors, metastases, etc.)

Peripheral Nerve Pathologies

These are disorders of the cervical spine, the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Ulnar nerve syndrome


Contact details

Telephone hours
0470 055 094

Outside of these hours, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Online appointment
Contact form

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please use this contact form.

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    Information on the consultation locations: hospitals
    Hôpital Molière Longchamp

    Address :
    Rue Marconi 142
    1190 Forest

    Hours :
    Every Thursday 9am to 5pm

    Dr. Abu-Serieh operates in this hospital

    Information on the consultation locations: private practices
    Cabinet Médical Jardin du Roi

    Address :
    Avenue Louise 365
    1050 Ixelles

    Hours :
    2 Saturdays per month 10am to 8pm

    Centre Médical Hemroulle

    Address :
    Hemroulle 269
    6600 Bastogne

    Hours :
    2 Saturdays per month, 1:30pm to 6pm

    Espace santé et bien-etre 113

    Address :
    Avenue Albert 1er, 113
    5000 Namur

    Hours :
    1 Monday per month 11:30am-2:30pm

    Centre Paramédical de la Vaillance

    Address :
    Place de la Vaillance 33
    1070 Anderlecht

    Hours :
    2 Wednesdays afternoon per month

    Centre Médicale de Gribaumont

    Adress :
    Av. de Broqueville 204,
    1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

    Hours :
    2 Wednesdays/month  2pm – 8pm


    Patients’ Reviews

    Dr. Abu-Serieh strives to offer the best advice to his patients.
    The aim is to establish a trusted relationship that facilitates the procedures.

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    4 entries.
    dury georges yourek from bruxelles wrote on 17 September 2024
    Au travers des circonstances et la fatalité qui m'ont amenés à rencontrer et faire confiance au docteur Abu-Serieh (à raison au demeurant), je désire particulièrement faire part, de toute ma gratitude, à sa secrétaire. Celle-ci a agit avec une telle efficacité, une véritable empathie et une écoute du patient que je lui en serai toujours reconnaissant. Merci à vous
    Boloux from Uccle wrote on 24 August 2023
    Je suis ravie d'enfin pouvoir laisser un message pour le Dr Abu Serieh, à qui je dois une deuxième vie. Je pourrais habiter à l'autre bout du globe, c'est CE médecin que je consulterais en cas de problème!!! Ma famille et mes amis se joignent à moi pour encore une fois, le remercier chaleureusement, même après 7 ans, et vous dire de ne surtout pas hésiter à le rencontrer! Ce neuro chirurgien est un génie! Parole de rescapée. Stéphanie B.
    Zafar from Lahore Pakistan wrote on 23 July 2023
    may peace be upon you My name is Zafar And I am from Pakistan. My father who is 61 years old has undergone a brain tumor operation in Pakistan but after the operation he has spasm and pain in his left arm and his right arm is also spasming. Can my father's arm pain be treated in your hospital, so please let us know how we can come for treatment. My whatsapp number +923215427389 for more details
    Verbesselt from Anderlecht wrote on 23 January 2023
    Je me suis fait opérer par ce docteur et je trouve que c'est une personne très humaine avec beaucoup d'empathie et très professionnel. Je recommande vivement.